ANDRES PRETEL· Office Administrator

Andres joined our team in 2021, proudly bringing to the table his experience gained from his past role as an administrator in the health industry. Building relationships with people from different generations, organizational habits, and the ability to juggle tasks in a professional manner are only a few skills to name.

He is Currently a student at Florida International University (FIU) pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Finance. On top of that he is still following his passion in assisting others to understand the importance of protecting their financial wealth acquired over the years.

Andres is in a beautiful marriage which provides a stable environment for him to recharge is batteries after a long day at the office. In his free time, he loves to weightlift, play soccer with his friends, or spend quality time with his family.

“Falling down is not a
failure. Failure comes
when you stay where
you have fallen”.

You are faced with an impactful financial decision, usually accompanied with worries, doubts, and anxiety.

Who wouldn’t feel that when presented with a decision that will determine the future for you & your loved ones.

There are always solutions, sometimes too many & too complicated. We do the digging so you can do the living, our team filters distorted information to provide clarity during the decision making process.

Individual Protection

Protection for Foreign-Nationals

For over 40 years, we have
specialized in meeting the financial planning needs of our …

Wealth Preservation & Tax Savings Strategies

We take a holistic approach to
sheltering your assets; …

Estate Equalizer

This is a practical strategy to fairly distribute assets amongst heirs, providing for a balanced …

Business Protection

Business Succession Planning & Exit Strategies

We help small business owners:
–    Keep a business in the family …

Buy-Sell Funding

A buy and sell agreement is a legally binding contract, which stipulates how a partner’s share of a business …

Key Person Insurance

Do you have a Key Employee who your business depends on?Replacing a key person takes …